The spoils of my hunt
The herbal hunt was nice. We found the elusive plant I desribed before, and havested its leaves and to a lesser extent its flowers. We were a bit late, so most of the flowers were already out of bloom. I did however manage to get a few, so they have now been covered with aquavit and since filtered away.
So now I have three extracts, each based on:
- Flower of "Menyanthaceae Trifoliata"
- Leaf of "Menyanthaceae Trifoliata"
- Flowers and leaves of "Asperula Odorata"
I am told these are kind of exotic ones to start with, since I'm a beginning in the making of eliksirs, but you have got to start somewhere, right?
The next plants I'll go hunting for will be "Potentilla erecta" and "Myrica gale", which should be safer/easier ingredients for achieving a successful taste and hence a lovely eliksir.

Here they are in dryed form. I'll try to find some pictures of the plants themselves asap.
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